Remember when we told you that we had the audacity to tokenize a Lambo and put it up for auction?
Well… that time is nigh as we get set for what could be the single most consequential NFT sale in the short history of NFTs.
Key dates:
- Jan 10th: Just on midnight we will snapshot wallets to see who is holding (or staking) NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist passes
- Jan 11th: We will send out NFTs with instructions to those Whitelist holders on how to participate in the private sale of the exotic cars
- Jan 18th: Whitelist holders need to respond by this date to be able to participate
- Jan 28th: The private sales will go live
- Jan 29th: The public sale will commence
Whitelist pass holders, please take note of those dates.
The 999 NiftyVille exotic cars are set to leave their lots and find homes in the wallets of all those Niftians waiting to get their hands on one. These cars will forever be the most bad@ss vehicles in town. Only 999 will ever be minted. And your chance to get one is fast approaching.

(You’re getting the picture, we hope, that while NiftyVille’s launch was postponed to Q2 2022, NiftyVille progress continues and our eyes are firmly on the prize of delivering the world’s first play-to-earn open world game, with genuinely scarce NFTs, including property and vehicles).
But Let’s Talk About The Lambo!
We, in the wider crypto community, are all familiar with the question “When Lambo?”
Well, Onessus is answering it.
“At the end of January.”
All the 999 exotic car NFTs to be sold on OpenSea will be fully usable in-game in NiftyVille. But they double as bids in an auction of a real Lambo. Seven days after all 999 cars have been sold (including the 100 available for free for Whitelist pass holders), the top holder will receive an NFT redeemable for a real Lambo: a 2017 Lamborghini Huracan Spyder.
For anyone not so keen on sports cars, we’ll replace it with a $200k cash (or crypto) prize.
Many of you will already be aware of the Lambo auction, as we’ve hardly been shy about it. But the community has grown significantly since then, so we wanted to ensure everyone was filled in. This will be monumental.

Important Information For NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist Pass Holders
For Whitelist holders, there are some important dates for you to be aware of in order to ensure you have access to the private sale that will happen on Jan 28th, starting from 12pm EST.
We will be snapshotting wallets to determine the wallets holding the 100 Whitelist passes at midnight EST on Jan 10th. So if you want to be included in the private sale, ensure your Whitelist pass is in your wallet then. If you are staking it on WhenStaking, fear not. We will work all of that out and will find you.
We will then be sending you an NFT the next day which we need you to send back to us with your Ethereum address and email in the memo. All instructions will be on the NFT.
We need that NFT back by Jan 18th, so we can add your address to the private sale on OpenSea and send you a link by email.
The Whitelist holders’ private sale will take place on Jan 28th, starting at noon EST.
24 hours later, on Jan 29th at 12pm EST, the public sale will begin. Any cars not claimed in the private sale will become available to everyone at that time. So make sure you get your 3 cars and 1 free black one before the public sale begins.
Terms and Conditions will apply to the Exotic Car sale and the Lambo auction.

The exotic cars come in 6 different designs. They will be rare, and cost $400 each in ETH. Here’s a breakdown of the numbers:
White: 75
Red: 100
Black: 125
Blue: 200
Orange: 249
Gray: 250
If “When Lambo” is the question, “at the end of January” is the answer.
We can’t wait for this.
And we hope you can’t either!
Keep in touch!