Christmas Rewards For HodlGod And An Update On NiftyVille

3 min readDec 23, 2021


To celebrate the Christmas and New Year period, we will be doubling the bonus rewards for HodlGod badges from Christmas Day (12pm EST) to New Year’s Day.

During this short period, ending at 11:59pm New Year’s Day, the badge (and trophy) rewards will be as follows:

Exalted Hunter trophy: up from 10k to 20k VOID

Vanguard badge: up from 5k to 10k VOID

Warlord badge: up from 2k to 4k VOID

Mercenary badge: up from 250 to 500 VOID

So get some burn credits and get forging, Immortals. It’s a splendid time of year for gamers.

(And don’t forget, every Thursday for the next few weeks we will be selling 400 Immortal Gear Series 2 packs on Nefty Blocks. Top 10 buyers share in the earnings!)

An Update On NiftyVille

The launch of NiftyVille is delayed until Q2 2022.

We made this decision to provide NiftyVille the best possible platform to launch from. While postponing the launch was, in the end, the right decision to make, we understand that many in our community were looking forward to the pre-alpha reveal next week.

The fact is we are on the cutting edge of something big and something wholly new. New and cutting edge takes time. Slightly more time than we’d hoped.

We’re also straddling two industries that operate at very different paces. 24/7/365 crypto is a fast-moving, nonstop, no-sleep kind of industry. One in which three days can feel like a lifetime.

Developing games, however, is a much slower process.

We’re a small team with BIG AMBITIONS. We want NiftyVille to be the best NFT- and blockchain-based game in the world. With the aim of creating such a game changer, we felt it was in our community’s best interest to postpone its launch.

At Onessus, community comes first, and we build all of our products with our community in mind. NiftyVille will be worth the wait. That much we can promise.

Silver Lining

While this is disappointing for us and our community, there are some positives we would like to share.

Over the next few months, we will be welcoming our Exotic Whitelist pass holders to give NiftyVille an exclusive test run. We will also be holding regular events as we lead up to the launch to make up for the delay.

So stay in touch on Discord and Telegram to keep up to date. We will be sharing progress with you!

In the meantime, we truly hope you all enjoy the festive season spending time with your loved ones, getting some solid HodlGod hours in, and resting up.















Onessus is the dApp development studio behind HodlGod, NiftyVille, WhenStaking, and Yield Universe.