WhenStaking Gets a Makeover, NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist Pass Holder Snapshot, HodlGod Immortal Gear Series 2 Pack Reboots On Hold… For Now

3 min readJan 1, 2022


WhenStaking: Major Upgrades To Usher In The New Year

We have implemented some major upgrades to WhenStaking to usher in the new year. We are hoping 2022 will be a massive year for all of our community, and we wanted to kick it off with some good news.

Over the months since WhenStaking.com was launched, we have received feedback from our users and set to work on enhancing the site.

Many users will already have noticed the changes to the UI. But we wanted to outline all the changes we have made to bring improvements to WhenStaking’s functionality and user-friendliness.

Check These Changes Out

The staking capacity of an NFT can now be viewed before it is staked. Simply click on any NFT to see how much VOID you can stake to it. That change makes it clearer for users to identify which of their NFTs have larger staking capacities.

In addition to that, for a cleaner user experience, all non-stakeable NFTs have been removed from displaying on the platform.

Remaining time is now displayed in terms of days and hours. Just hover over the green progress bar on a staked NFT to see how long it will remain staked. Hovering will also tell you if the staking period has finished.

The amount of VOID staked to an NFT is now clearly shown. That is displayed for NFTs that are being staked and also those that were previously staked. The mint number of the NFT is also now clearly displayed.

The Claim All button is now functional for a fast reclaim of NFTs after their staking period has concluded, and popups will now show at the bottom right of screen for greater ease of use.

For upcoming capacity and APR changes, click through to the Changelog page on the site. That will make it easier for users to refer to staking capacities and yields.

NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist Pass

Calling All NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist Pass Holders

At the end of the day on January 10th, we will be taking a snapshot of wallets to determine all NiftyVille Exotic Whitelist Pass holders in preparation for the commencement of our exotic car pre-sale.

Holders at that date, by midnight, will have the right to a free exotic NiftyVille car NFT and an opportunity to buy 3 more. They will also get 2 cars, exclusively and on us, of the 200 we will be minting on the Polygon network.

You will be receiving an NFT with instructions of what to do next. Stay tuned.

This is a great chance to get a head start in the race to be the number one holder once all 999 cars (on Ethereum) are sold out and win yourself the real Lambo. (Remember… the cars minted on Polygon don’t count toward the tally in the Lambo auction, but the free ones on Ethereum do!)

Elektrum Strike, HodlGod

HodlGod Immortal Gear Series 2 Pack Reboots On Hold… For Now

We have decided to suspend the reboot rounds of HodlGod Immortal Gear Series 2 packs for the time being. Congratulations to all those who picked up some packs in the pre-sale and first 3 rounds.

We look forward to seeing your freshly forged gear sets on the battlefield.

At Onessus, we continue to grow. We continue to improve. And we continue to listen to your feedback and bring product changes that we know you will enjoy and find useful.

Welcome to 2022. Welcome to a new-look WhenStaking NFT platform and get set for the impending launch of our exotic car NFTs.

Happy staking!

Happy gaming!

And happy collecting!

As always, feel free to reach out to us via your preferred method:








Onessus is the dApp development studio behind HodlGod, NiftyVille, WhenStaking, and Yield Universe.