Major Updates to HodlGod in Patch

2 min readJun 20, 2021


HodlGod just got a whole lot more Immortal. Onessus’ flagship PvP Battle Royale style game has just had some major upgrades with the Patch update.

Patch introduces a host of enhancements for all the Immortals:

Xbox One Controller support

A streamer code option

New locomotion animation system for smoother player movement

Space bar to jump

Shift and Space to dash

We have a new UI for the in-game pause menu. (An additional menu, the statistics page, is still under construction but coming soon).

We’ve introduced a slow movement, dash and jump power penalty for 2 seconds when a player is hit by a sword.

A sword attack in mid-air pushes the player toward the crosshair.

Arrows now do a 30 damage max at far range instead of 50.


We removed some spawn points near the stairs in the Dungeon map to prevent the spawning bug for now.

Fixes to the Ruin map hideout area were made.

There is less of a delay on changing players to spectate

We fixed a bug that prevents arrows from moving through when fired in the Dungeon level.

We fixed the ceiling collision bug that hooks players.

We fixed barrage arrows not being replicated after they are fired.

And we fixed the floating ragdoll on death in mid air.

Our aim is for HodlGod to be the best Battle Royale style gaming experience there is. With the addition of NFT drops, HodlGod’s interaction with the WAX blockchain makes it already one the best blockchain-based games around, and we’re only getting started.

Keep in touch for more updates as we continue to develop HodlGod.






And as always… Stay Immortal!




Onessus is the dApp development studio behind HodlGod, NiftyVille, WhenStaking, and Yield Universe.